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Providers of Rehab and Soft Tissue Conditioning  Equipment since 2007


NASA research has provided significant insight into the influence of gravitational force on the human body. Without the gravitational force our bone mass would shrink down to nothing. The same is true for our soft tissues. Without movement and work against external forces, like gravity and external resistance provided with activities of daily living, our muscles, tendons, ligament and joint lining would dwindle down towards nothing. So exercise, an active choice to improve body function and composition makes a lot of sense.

Acute Injury, including surgery decreases a person's tolerance to physical load. AND, a decreased tolerance to physical load is one precursor to soft tissue injuries. Doing something stupid once OR many repetitions of the same thing over time, without introducing the body to other physical activities, usually ends up at the same place: a soft tissue injury.     

The key to active rehab is to load tissue with a resistance they can tolerate. Very often that requires equipment that offer light resistance which can be applied to the range of motion available at the time. Knowing that the tolerance will improve and range of motion will change with time. Standard pulleys, like the RehabPro A-Series pulleys, with its accessories, are considered one of the most versatile tools in rehab to improve soft tissue tolerance to physical load. The seamless adjustment of the rope angle and rope length, and their light weight increments, allow for limitless number of exercises that can be dosed to accommodate any functional level. 

Rehab and soft tissue conditioning differ in many way from fitness. In rehab and soft tissue conditioning we are looking to improve circulation, flexibility, coordination and endurance. Not strength. There is nothing wrong with strength training. However, it would be handy to have enough circulation, flexibility, coordination and muscle endurance before considering strength training. Otherwise you will be back where you started, with and injury due to lack of tolerance to physical load.    

Our pulleys come with a variety of weight stack options with resistance as low as 1.25 lbs. to 10 lbs. per weight increment.